One of the top online bookmakers predicts the NBA star’s performance based on the quality of the local strip clubs.

Bookmaking has seen millions of different approaches throughout its history. However, something like this has yet to be seen. The bookmaking world will never be the same after one of the NBA fans posted his research on the matter. Check out what bookies have to say.
The most popular basketball competition in the world, the NBA, has always been the top basketball betting market among all the top online bookmakers.
Many of the NBA’s most popular markets have numerously featured the Houston Rockets All-Star and MVP contender - James Harden. However, nobody would have ever imagined seeing a market related to Harden’s love for strip clubs. That is a true definition of special props.
Well, the story broke out when one of the NBA enthusiasts posted the results of his research, where he proves the correlation between James Harden’s on-road performance and the quality of the local strip clubs. On first sight, you might think we are drunk. Nevertheless, the numbers don’t lie and the hype around the Internet post got too far ahead, making some of the leading sportsbooks to offer their lines.

Thus, based on the findings, Harden is given the following lines:
Whether the theory will get busted or not, the love for the big city nightlife will never leave the Houston star’s heart.
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