Sports Betting Guide
Is this how banned crowds affect match results? You will be shocked!
We are always trying to share our knowledge & experience and provide you with only the most relevant information in our sports betting guides. This time we would like to talk more about how much the closed doors affect the results of football matches.

Every detail matters
The best punters are always trying to see a bigger picture when placing a bet. They are considering every single tiny bit of information they can get their hands on. The reason for that is quite simple - every detail helps. Football fans always say that vigorously supporting crowd is the 12th man on the team, which in return, believe it or not, plays a crucial role in creating a handicap over the rival. Therefore, how does the lack of audience in the stands affect the result of football matchups? Let’s find out together.
The current situation in the world shows that even if there is any football action going on, the majority of it is happening behind the closed doors. Seemingly, such factors should not have much of an impact on the match outcomes, because why would they in the first place? There are still the same 22 players running on the field, and the goal size remains the same as well.
Home advantage goes down!
Contrary to what some might think, professional footballers are quite unfamiliar with such a situation. The group of researches have studied all the top European leagues’ football matches since 2002 and found out that there were not too many closed-door fixtures at all. There were only 160 such instances over the entire period. Nevertheless, the data taken from such matches looks quite different compared to the ones featuring the audience, which gives you a lot to think about.
The home side has been victorious in 46% of matches, 22% has been drawn, and the away team has clinched the victory in 32% of matchups under the normal circumstances. The situation takes quite a significant change when there are no fans present in the stands. The research shows that the home team was only able to win 36% of the matches, 25% were drawn, and the away team secured a whopping 39% of them.
Wishful thinking in sports betting
All of these numbers were once again confirmed during the first Bundesliga matches after its return. The hosting sides only managed to win 10/46 matches (21%), while the percentage of away side wins went up from 35%, at the beginning of the season, to 48%, during the closed-doors stage. The similar trend was also found in the Czech Republic (home side won only 10/32 fixtures) and Estonia (11/29). The average away cards per game and home penalties counts saw a decreasing trend across all reviewed leagues, as well.
Take notes and become better!
It is really hard to say how long such a situation would last for. One thing for sure, we would still have to watch our favourite football matches without fans. Therefore, it might be wise to consider these statistics seriously. Perhaps it could improve your betting.
dont see any difference
omg. this is a cheat code, just one my first 3 EPL wager in the row, lol
thanks for the tip
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